Truth is verbal beauty. Beauty is visual truth. Truth is the masculine counterpart of beauty. Beauty is the feminine counterpart of truth. A high-quality man is a truthful man. π A high-quality woman is a beautiful woman. π To weaken men, make them afraid of speaking the truth. π To weaken women, make them afraid…
A classic symptom of low-mindedness is government-worship. For a lot of people, the government is their god. The government is their church. The government is their source of right and wrong. These people may claim to be atheists or monotheists. But you can see from their actions that the government is their object of worship.
Part One Part Two Part Three
Chastity is not prudishness. Chastity is not about being “anti-sex” or “sex-negative”. Sexual repression does exist, and it’s not healthy. Chastity means taking a quality over quantity approach to sex. The unchaste (male or female) take a quantity over quality approach to sex. They get in a downward spiral, where their sexual encounters get cheaper…
With its array of subjects, school tries to give the impression of multi-dimensionality. It’s not. School is: People who do well in school do badly in life. Until they drop out of the school life track. The school life track is the default life trajectory that goes like this:β¨ If you want to be successful…
How many minutes of your day do you spend looking up? π Staring at the sky, watching the clouds, reading God’s words? π Planning your goals, dreaming your dreams, breathing the scent of Heaven as if you are already there? π How many of your minutes do you spend looking down? π Complaining. Moaning. Thinking…
A senior leadership team of a school is having a meeting. The school has been overrun by wild frogs. They don’t know what to do. One of them says: “Let’s BAN them!” The others enthusiastically agree. “Yes! When you ban something, a magical force field appears and makes that thing go away!” So they agree…
I’m on an escalator She’s on the other side, going the other way I look into her eyes She smiles at me I smile back The End
Low-minded people are oriented downwards. π Like a plane in freefall. π Everything they do will have negative consequences. π And all their advice will be advice that will take you downwards if you listen to it. π But high-minded people are oriented upwards. π Everything they do will have positive consequences. π Always listen…
Write a list of the things you love about your life right now: You can do it on your phone, on paper, or even in your mind. If you’re doing it right, you will start to feel GIDDY with happiness before you are even half-way through. Warning: DO NOT do this while driving.
When you were little, you wanted to be a princess. Or a cowboy. Then you were told that you should want sensible things. So you gave up wanting to be a princess or a cowboy. You decided you wanted to be a management consultant. (As if anyone truly wants to be a management consultantβ¦) You…
In The Little Prince, the fox says to the boy: “We only see clearly with the heart. What truly matters is invisible to the eye.”β¨ High-minded people look beyond the surface of reality to the truth beneath. A high-minded man appreciates a woman’s body, but he is captivated by the beauty of her soul. π…
Proxymoron (noun) Person who is unable to observe things directly and make their own judgements, instead relying on false proxies to make the decision for them. Example I once applied for a small job with a charity who wanted to offer maths tutoring to underpriviliged kids. They asked me to send lesson plans. I told…
or “The Netherworld” Low-minded people settle. π They don’t get what they want, but they get SOMETHING. High-minded people never settle. “I get what I want, or I get nothing!” The problem is, an awful lot of high-minded people are currently stuck in the “nothing”. The netherworld. The interstitial space. Neither here nor there. This…
It’s awfully tempting to engage with low-minded people. π “Maybe I can argue the low-mindedness out of them!” Don’t bother. You can’t. Just be polite, and leave them alone. You will never win the tug of war. Their low-mindedness will always be stronger than your high-mindedness. (Don’t forget, they have gravity on their side…) Just…
A good question you may ask is:⨔If I am multi-dimensional, doesn’t that make me scattered and unfocussed?” The answer is no. Your focus is upwards. π Always upwards. π Towards your goals. π Towards your dreams. π Towards Heaven. π Towards God. π
Meet two men: Cowboy John π€ and Soy-Boy Sam π¦. John understands that men and women are different, and he’s OK with it. Sam believes that men and women are exactly the same. How John Treats His Wife When John’s wife changes her mind for the 99th time that week, he laughs. He knows this…
You get what you focus on. Put all your attention on good things, and you will get good things. π Put all your attention on bad things, and you will get bad things. π It really is that simple. Focus on what you DO want. π Forget about what you don’t want. π
High-minded people rely on their own observations. A high-minded parent looking for a tutor for their child will: This is NOT how schools select teachers. Schools select teachers using tokens. A piece of paper that says you are “qualified” to teach. A proxy that has ZERO correlation to actual teaching ability. People can get teaching…
A child’s first tantrum is always minuscule, and easy for a parent to refuse. The high-minded parent nips it in the bud, and says no. The tantrum is over. The child has learned that bad behaviour will NEVER be rewarded. π The low-minded parent, unwilling to delay his or her own gratification, caves in. At…
Sometimes you need to be negative. Sometimes you need to vent. Get something off your chest. Sometimes you need to cry, or scream. Do so. If you don’t, it will stay inside you and fester. π If there is some bad energy inside you that needs to get out, let it out. THEN balance it…
Low-minded people have a mentality of settling. They think accepting what’s available is the only logical option. They won’t understand your high-minded position of holding out for what you really want. They will say things like “beggars can’t be choosers”. π In response, you should tell them that choosers don’t beg. π
High-minded people see life as an epic adventure. π And they see themselves as the protagonist of their story. They enjoy fictional stories, but they enjoy real life even more. The story that God wrote. Low-minded people see this as a delusion of grandeur. They accuse high-minded people of having “main character syndrome”. They believe…
Low-minded people see creation as a set of inert atoms. They believe nothing will get done unless THEY make it happen. High-minded people know that creation is bigger than any of us, and that we would do better to be still, and know. This knowing is rooted in being. And from it, comes true action.…
Have you noticed that heroes in fiction always have a free-standing sense of right and wrong? Their morals are not based on what is convenient. They do what is right, even if it causes trouble for them. This is a hallmark of the high mind. π A free-standing sense of right and wrong. To the…
“Not enough” is one of those phrases that is never objectively true. It is only true if you keep saying it. So if you keep saying that you don’t have enough time/money/talent/energy then it will be true. In fact, the more you say it, the worse it will get. The scarcity mindset is one of…
High-minded people are multi-dimensional. They want to succeed financially π. They also want good health, and relationships π. Low-minded people are uni-dimensional. The classic “one-track mind”. The low-minded man focusses on money, and destroys his health π. If you tell him to be multi-dimensional, he will hear something totally different. He will hear an attack…
Two women, both mothers of small children, go shopping. One has a high mind, the other has a low mind. The high-minded woman buys the best quality vegetables for her children. They are healthier and more natural, and they taste better. The children like them, and eat them. The low-minded woman chooses quantity over quality.…
In economics, a race to the bottom is when companies compete on price. They are all the same as each other, so the customer always chooses the cheapest option. This is bad for the companies because they make very little money and there is zero customer loyalty. Uber drivers are in a similar situation. They…
Welcome to my “High Mind π Low Mind π” blog. A “high mind” is a mind that will lead you upwards π. A “low mind” is a mind that will lead you downwards π. If you are in a downward spiral, you can change it IMMEDIATELY by adopting a high mind. Do it now.